1. "Praise the Saviour" #75 1# KEY G CHORDS (G,C,D,Am,Bm,Em) KEY G NO CAPO CHORDS (G,C,D,Am,Bm,Em) http://guitarvideochords.com/gospel%20music/praise_the_savior_ye_who.html http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/gospel-songs-chords/praise_the_saviour_ye_who.htm 2. "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" #468 1# KEY G CHORDS (G,C,D,Am,Bm,Em) KEY G NO CAPO CHORDS (G,C,D,Am,Bm,Em) http://guitarvideochords.com/gospel%20music/the_king_of_love_my_shepherd_is_lyrics_chords.html https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/i_am_they/king_of_love_chords_1667923 3. "Steal Away To Jesus" 1b KEY F CHORDS (F,Bb,C,Gm,Am,Dm) KEY F NO CAPO CHORDS (F,Bb,C,Gm,Am,Dm) http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/gospel-songs-chords/steal_away.htm 4. "Trusting Jesus" #355 1b KEY F CHORDS (F,Bb,C,Gm,Am,Dm) KEY D CAPO 3 (F) CHORDS (D,G,A,Em,F#m,Bm) ? 5. "How Deep The Father's Love For Us" 2 sharps Key of D CHORDS (D,G,A,Em,F#m,Bm) KEY D NO CAPO (D,G,A,Em,F#m,Bm) https://www.selah.ca/chords/files/ABC/2017/20170528/6.%20How%20Deep%20The%20Fathers%20Love%20For%20Us.htm 6. "Why Should He Love Me So?" 2 flats Key of B Flat CHORDS (Bb,Eb,F,Cm,Dm,Gm) KEY G CAPO 3 (Bb) CHORDS (G,C,D,Am,Bm,Em) http://guitarvideochords.com/gospel%20music/why_would_he_love_me_so.html 6.1 "Step By Step" 1 sharp Key of G KEY G NO CAPO CHORDS (G,C,D,Am,Bm,Em) https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/misc_praise_songs/step_by_step_chords_342483 7. "The Lord's My Shepherd" #50 1b KEY F CHORDS (F,Bb,C,Gm,Am,Dm) KEY D CAPO 3 (F) CHORDS (D,G,A,Em,F#m,Bm) https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/stuart_townend/the_lords_my_shepherd_chords_781465 8. "Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us" #462 5b KEY Db CHORDS (Db,Gb,Ab,Ebm,Fm,Bbm) KEY D CAPO 1 CHORDS CHORDS (D,G,A,Em,F#m,Bm) http://guitarvideochords.com/gospel%20music/savior_like_a_shepherd_lead_us_lyrics_chords.html