I Will Sing of My Redeemer Selah Chords and Lyrics for Guitar
Guitar Tabs, Chords and Lyrics
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I Will Sing of My Redeemer  Selah

(verse 1)
[G]I will sing of m[C]y Redeemer
[G]He who took the [D]nails for me
[G]I've been purchased, I've been p[C]ardoned
[G]Bound to Him I'm truly f[D]ree[G]
(verse 2)
[G]I will sing of m[C]y Redeemer
[G]How He sought me[D] while a slave
[G]Loosed me from the curse of sin [C]and
[G]From the power of the gr[D]ave[G]
[G]I will sing of my Redeem[C]er
[Em7]Lift my voice to[D] praise my Lord
[G]Ransomed by His blood an[C]d mercy
[Em7]I am His[D] forever[G]more
(verse 3)
[G]I will sing of m[C]y Redeemer
[G]He who bore my c[D]ross, my curse
[G]Came a servant, chose to suffer[C]
[G]Lifted up and cast from [D]earth[G]
(verse 4)
[G]I will sing of m[C]y Redeemer
[G]Tell about the g[D]race I've known
[G]Here on earth with those forgive[C]n
[G]And one day around His t[D]hrone[G]
[G]Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
[D]Redeemed by the blood of[C] the Lamb;
[Em7]Redeemed through His inf[C]inite mercy,
[D]His chil[C]d and forever I [G]am.
[G]� I know there's a crown that is waiting,
[D]In yonder bright mansion[C] for me,
[Em7]And soon, with the spiri[C]ts made perfect,
[D]At home [C]with the Lord I shall be[G].

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C D Em7 G
+3 semitones
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